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Keinton Mandeville


At the core of our learning are our school Core Values, which are:

Independence, Determination, Self-Belief, Compassion, Creativity, Energy, Enthusiasm and Respect.

Below you will find our short term English planning documents, which will give information on the focus text for each class and how this will link (if a link is appropriate) to the class theme at the time.

English text units - Autumn term 2nd half -

Owl Class - Owl Babies

Kingfisher Class - Owl Babies

Kestrel Class - The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark

Eagle Class - Charlotte's Web

Falcon Class - Kensuke's Kingdom

Osprey Class - Holes

English text units - Autumn term 1st half -

Owl Class - Jump up!

Kingfisher Class - The storm whale in winter

Kestrel Class - The storm whale in winter

Eagle Class - The snowman

Falcon Class - Unspoken

Osprey Class - The arrival

English Text Units - Summer Term 2nd Half - Explanation texts/recounts/ reviews

Owl Class - Sharing a shell

Kestrel Class - The Mousehole Cat

Eagle Class - Escape to the River Sea

Falcon Class - The last bear

Osprey Class - The thief who sang storms


English Text Units - Spring Term 2nd Half - Writing to inform/Writing to persuade

Owl Class - Farmer Duck

Kestrel Class - The Sheep Pig

Eagle Class - The Butterfly Lion

Falcon Class - Varjak Paw

Osprey Class - Skellig


English Text Units - Spring Term 2nd Half - Writing to inform/Writing to persuade

Whole School Spring Term Text Unit overview

Owl Class - The Koala Who Could

Kestrel Class - The Enormous Crocodile

Eagle Class - Bandoola - The Great Elephant Resuce

Falcon Class - Running Wild

Osprey Class - Journey to the River Sea


English Text Units - Spring Term 1st Half 2022 - Poetry & Writing To Entertain

Whole School Unit - Everyone Sang

Owl Class - The Queen's ...

Kestrel Class - The Princess who hid in a tree

Eagle Class - Nadine Dreams of Home

Falcon Class - The boy at the back of the class

Osprey Class - The Bone Sparrow


English Text Units - Autumn 2nd Half 2021 - Writing to inform

Owl Class - The way home for Wolf

Kestrel class - North - The Greatest animal journey on Earth

Eagle Class - The Firework Maker's daughter

Falcon Class - The fastest boy in the world

Osprey Class - The house with chicken legs


Short Term Text Units - Autumn 1st half term 2021

Owl Class

Kestrel Class

Eagle Class

Falcon Class

Osprey Class

Summer Term 2nd Half 2021

Owls Class - Mechanical Mayhem

Kestrel Class - Mechanical Mayhem

Eagle Class - Local History

Falcon Class - Local History

Osprey Class - Local History