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Keinton Mandeville

Weekly Homework Expectations for KS2 Children (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6).

Read 3 x weekly (more is always encouraged please) – Reading diaries to be signed to earn 10 minutes of Golden Time.

TT Rockstars – The expectation is either to complete 3 x 3 minute sessions or 9 x 1 minute sessions over the course of the week. Please complete the Garage sessions, the algorithm will tailor a plan to your childs' specific needs by testing all tables at the start then refining the more you play.

Reading Diaries and TT Rockstars will be checked on Thursdays.



Eagle Class 2024 - 2025

To find out what we are learning in Spring 1 click the link to see our medium term planning. Please be aware that P.E is on a Friday afternoon.

Golden time will now be on a Thursday afternoon, children will earn 10 minutes by reading three times and another 10 minutes by spending nine minutes on TT Rockstars each week prior.

Click on the subject to see what we will be learning this term in more detail. 


We will be using our new class book (Oh Maya Gods) to plan, draft and publish a non-chronological report on the Mayan civilisation based on the children's research. Following this, we will be composing an information text on the Maya.


In Maths this term, we continue to cover multiplication and division. Children will learn their 3, 4 and 8 times tables, how to scale and efficiently multiply numbers up to 3 digits long.


Our history topic this half term is the Maya! We will be learning about their civilisations, jobs and Gods with children summarising why they believe the Mayan civilisation ended.


Our next science topic this term is light. Children will be learning about the sun, reflections and shadows with children creating their own shadow puppets for a shadow show!